Eclipsecon Day 4: and in the end...
What? Now that I’m done with my talks and finally can overdrink Eclipsecon is over? Well that’s sad, but on the bright side I think that this final day was one of the best ones.
As a hudge Beatles fan, I had to finish this set of posts with a Beatles song. I chose the very last song they composed, “The end”  on the Abbey Road album
I think it sums up the Eclipsecon & OpenSource spirit : “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make”. Take care of your community & users, and they will take care of you.
Morning Keynotes
Right before the keynote, we watched a diaporama of all picture taken by the staff, with a music that will be stuck in my head for decades: “This code is your code, this code is my code…”.Â
Jim Laskey showed us Nashorn, a Javascript engine for the JVM. Jim is also in charge of dynalink, a project which purpose is to help several laguages communicating through the VM. According to Jim, bringing javascript to the VM advances the technology and atracts new developers. The nashorn javascript engine compiles javascript to byte code on demand and links the code dynamically via dynalink. Jim also created jjs, a new command line for javascript. Thanks to the javax.script api, you can interpret your javascript scripts directly inside java.
Agile documentation with Mylyn Intent
Another Intent talk, and another success :) I found the audience very interested, and had some great discussions with doc enthiusasts! Please continue the discussion on the Intent forum and I’ll be glad to answer, and of course check out the Intent M6 from Kepler.
Collaborative Design: give wings to your team!
Stephane Bonnet & Mathieu Helleboid from Thales gave a great presentation about how they used Eclipse Sirius and CDO to provide a user-friendly application allowing to collaborate in real-time around models, diagrams & tables. Thanks to an automated fine-grained lock mechanism, any time a user makes a modification the application locks the minimal set of elements to make sure that no conflict will occur.
Really interesting, and the audience asked a lot of technical questions.
Bling & Eclipse/OSGi Puzzlers
After an impresive demo of Bling allowing to make 3D UIs directly inside Eclipse (AWESOME!), Benjamin Muskalla and Holger Staudacher made a really funny talk: we had to predict the behavior of pieces of code by raising our hands. A great and challenging moment :)
The EEF 2 talk was pretty impresive, go check the slides if you want to see how you can define full OSGI e4 based apps working on JavaFX without having to write any code, juste define some simple models.
Closing Session
After goodies distribution (man I wanted that black sweater), all the PMCs told us about what was going on in the Eclipse ecosystem. I was thrilled that both Intent and Sirius were mentionned as exciting projects, as I’m working on both of them :) Mike (who seems to have a dehydration issue for no reason :P) gave us the awaited (and almost non madeup) statistics about EclipseCon:
- 10 times more IP addresses used than attendees
- 1 623 GB of downloaded files
- 47 people at the Tamo Bar 1 hour after is was closed :)
And now… Time to drink and have fun with the eclipse community! I’m staying in Boston for a few days, hoping to find the BBB (Best Burger in Boston) and some cool bars (if you know any bar that let people play music just let me know).
See you at next EclipseCon in Toulouse, and in the meantime, stay tuned for more information about Mylyn Intent and Eclipse Sirius!