Upcoming Events

Posted on in Blog

With Juno's arriving to the end of the release cycle Eclipse Day's are popping up everywhere in the world.
If you are not too far from France, you should consider joining us next week for Eclipse Day Toulouse

Great content, very low price (20€) and Toulouse is so sunny it can only be nice !

I will be there presenting Eclipse Modeling. A 101 session leading you to the jungle of one of the most diverse top level project in Eclipse, describing some of the main components and how you can use them in your day to day work.

Register now, this event takes place next week!

It is said the west of France is less sunny but I'm pretty sure its a myth spread by the Bretons frighten tourists.   The 2012 breizhcamp will be the occasion to confirm my belief.

This is a Java/Webapps event during two days with more than 50 speakers ! I will be representing Eclipse there along with Stéphane. We will give an Acceleo tutorial.

And here is the Breizh Camp trailer :

The EclipseCon Europe call for paper is out ! You should consider to start preparing your submission.  The  conference tracks are :

Eclipse Technology. Building Industry Solutions.Community and Collaboration.OSGi.Other Cool Stuff.
Lets make this the best EclipseCon ever!

Auteur d'origine: Cédric Brun