Unlock the Power of Diagram Creation with Sirius Web

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Replay Capella Webinar - June 18th 2024

Unlock the Power of Diagram Creation with Sirius Web


Discover How to Specify Your Own Diagram Editors with Sirius Web!

Sirius Web is an open-source project that streamlines the development of web-based graphical modeling applications. It empowers users to create, edit, and visualize their data in customized views.

With Sirius Web, you can create various types of views depending on how you need to represent data: forms, diagrams, text, Gantt charts, cards, etc...

During this webinar, we focus on a diagrams - a view where data is represented with nodes and edges - which has seen numerous improvements in recent releases.

Join us for a guided tour of this Sirius Web feature.
  • The core principles of Sirius Web
  • Recent changes in Sirius Web following the adoption of ReactFlow
  • As a studio-maker, how to specify a custom node-based view with Sirius Web?
  • As an end-user, how to use the studio to create and edit diagrams?


Presented by:

Stéphane BégaudeauStéphane Bégaudeau - Web Development and Modeling Consultant at Obeo

Stéphane Bégaudeau is a Web Development and Modeling Consultant at Obeo, working mainly on Sirius Web. He graduated from the Nantes University of Sciences and Technology.