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Etienne and Stephane recently noted that the 10th birthday is a strong symbol. Nowadays, we are opening a new chapter in Obeo’s story, especially with a new logo. Since 10 years, a collective adventure is being built. From France, to Canada, Germany.. in French, English, Romanian, and even ‘Quebecois’ (yes!)... we received nice messages from all over the world. That kind that make you carry on! Some of you wished us a happy birthday, during Obeo’s 10 years party. Other ones made it by video. Impossible to keep it only for us!     So, in order of appearance, thanks to the members of the French Ministry of Defense, ETAS (Bosch group), EDF, OP Coach, Xerox, Nantes municipal Council, Airbus, Crescendo Technologies, Standout Systems, Savoir-Faire Linux, Paranor, Schlumberger, the Eclipse Foundation, Oulu University, MMA (Covea Group), IncQuery Labs, the Cantine numérique, Obeo Montreal (yes we are everywhere!), to Eike Stepper, Starting France, C-S, and to the Mayor of Nan...
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Etienne and myself want to take this opportunity to wish you our very best for 2016, and not because this is a New Year tradition but because we really, truly wish you a 2016, full of daring, creativity, success, and teamwork. We are convinced that 2016 is going to be a renaissance year. Since Obeo’s official launch on 23rd November 2005, so many of you as collaborators, partners, and clients have taken part in our journey. It has been a real honour and a daily commitment to have won your trust.  With collaboration as central to our ethos, Obeo is now a leader in open source modeling technologies that are being used worldwide. More than 50 of us currently belong to the Obeo family in Nantes, Paris, and Toulouse, and Obeo is now represented in Germany and Canada. The past ten years has also been about Obeo fulfilling collaborative stories such as with Thales, Ericsson, Airbus, the European Space Agency, the CNAV, the Pôle Emploi, EDF, the Ministry of Defense… On 20 January 2016...
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In this video, Laurent Charles (Enalean) and Laurent Delaigue (Obeo) will introduce Tuleap Agile Planner for Eclipse. The objective of the talk, in addition to present the first EPL Agile Planner integrated in eclipse, is to present a return on experience on how 3 companies worked together in an Agile way, within an Agile business, to provide a 100% libre and open source solution within the Eclipse ecosystem.

The talk was recorded at EclipseCon Europe 2014.

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In this video, Christophe Boudjennah presents Polarsys and explain how its technologies dramatically change the way architects can work on complex systems. The talk was recorded at Open World Forum 2014.

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In this video, Mikaël Barbero explains how to build the foundation for a rich client application in any widget toolkit (SWT, JavaFX...). The talk was presented at EclipseCon France 2014.

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