Last week the beautiful city of Eindhoven in the Netherlands has welcomed Sirius Day Eindhoven, a special event dedicated to Eclipse Sirius, the open source graphical modeling tool to make your own modeler.
More than 60 attendees joined us at Altran where Sirius experts, newcomers and advanced users gathered to shared about Sirius. No debate: the Sirius community and the interest for this open source modeling tool are growing!
We would like to adress a special thanks to all the Sirius Day speakers and to the attendees. Thanks also to Altran Netherlands B.V. which welcomed us for this intensive and friendly day!
The agenda was a mix of general presentation, concrete use-cases from industrial ASML, Philips Healthcare and the Dutch research group TNO-ESI, a hands-on session and an advanced users workshop.
If you want to have a look at the slides or at the pictures taken there, please feel free!
We hope you enjoyed that day as much as we did. Stay tuned to be informed of the next Siri...
Obeo Designer Team 10.1 has been just published! This Obeo Designer collaborative feature allows users to store their models and representations created with Eclipse Sirius (diagrams, tables, matrices, trees) in a shared repository.
Version 10.1 brings significant performance improvements with the lazy loading of shared representations and the upgrade of CDO, the run-time persistence framework used by Obeo Designer Team.
This new release improves also the management of commit descriptions, allowing the users to better document their changes.
Discover more about Obeo Designer Team 10.1 and its new improvents on its website!...
Capella, the MBSE solution, is well represented in the latest Eclipse Newsletter of December, with no less than six attractive articles that describe the industrial needs addressed by this solution, its methodology and features, and its ecosystem (add-ons, related technologies, working group, etc.).
The first article introduces the others, presenting the main benefits of a Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach to take the challenges of complex systems engineering, with a focus on Capella which implements a field-proven MBSE method.
The second focus on the Arcadia method, on which Capella is based. Arcadia covers the methodology and the high-level conceptual ontology and viewpoints. Capella has been purposely-built to provide the notation and diagrams needed to create models that exactly fit with Arcadia’s approach.
Then, next article is about Capella Studio, which is based on Kitalpha, an integrated development environment for the development of model-based workb...
You are going to create a domain-specific modeling tool and you wonder how users will edit and visualize the models: textually with a dedicated syntax and a rich textual editor? or graphically with diagrams drawn with a palette and smart tools?
Both approaches are interesting and can be used complementary: While text is able to carry more detailed information, a diagram highlights the relationship between elements much better. In the end, a good tool should combine both, and use each notation where it suits best.
Written by TypeFox & Obeo, this white paper explains the benefits of each approach. Then, it presents Eclipse Xtext and Eclipse Sirius, two open-source frameworks for the development of textual and graphical model editors. And finally, find out two detailed use-cases where these two technologies can be integrated in the same modeling workbench.
Download the white paper.
This subject was presented at EclipseCon Europe & SiriusCon this ye...
Once again, for the third consecutive edition, SiriusCon went too fast! We looked forward to attending this international conference on graphical modeling for a long time, and now we can't wait to organize the next one.
This 2017 edition gathered a lot of people, who came from 11 different countries (some of them even came from NORTH AMERICA!), and it was a pleasure to have all of them among the Sirius community. At SiriusCon 2017, every attendees, from beginner to advanced users, enjoyed several presentations with a specific focus on Eclipse Sirius itself, others about companion technologies and feedback from users who used these technologies to build their custom tools! We would like to thank all the speakers for their great contribution to the Sirius community.
We were pleased to welcome Mike Milinkovich, the executive director of the Eclipse Foundation, who introduced the conference with a Keynote. He has an unique perspective regarding what happened in the Software Ind...