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Luna, the annual release train from the Eclipse community, is now available. This year 76 projects are participating in the release that includes 61 million lines of code and was developed by over 340 Eclipse committers. This is the ninth year the Eclipse community has planned, developed, and delivered a coordinated release that allows users and adopters to update their Eclipse installations at one time. Highlights from the Luna release include the following: Java 8 Support for Eclipse Projects Support for OSGi R6 New Sirius 1.0 release New Eclipse Paho 1.0 release Workbench UI Improvements Updated PHP Development Tools Package Crowd-sourced API Recommendations There are also eight new projects participating in the Luna release including Sirius. More information and downloads are available from
Tagged in: eclipse news

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EclipseCon France 2014 will start shortly! But before tell you more about this new conference, here is a short flashback of EclipseCon North America illustrated with some pictures and tweets. Almost 600 people attended to the 2014 edition. With 14 tutorials and 120 sessions, the program targeted all the main Eclipse topics: Java 8, Internet of Things, Web development, modeling, etc. Six Obeo representatives traveled to San Francisco. Obeo will rock #eclipsecon this year! — Freddy Allilaire (@allilaire) March 12, 2014 For us, it was the opportunity to tell you all about the most recent Sirius project features: the 1.0 version is due for next June! Goulwen presented the Sirius poster with: principles, key points and the differents case-studies. The Obeo team was very active in the conference program, here are a few tweets about our presentations: Ecore Tools 2.0 at #eclipsecon is now based on Sirius and provide pl...
Tagged in: eclipse news obeo

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Xtext will hold its first dedicated conference, with a two-day period of presentations around this Eclipse technology. XtextCon will take place from May 27th at Kiel in Germany. How the textual approach of Xtext and the graphical one of Sirius could be complementary? This is what is going to present Cédric Brun, he will give a demonstration combining these both technologies. Sirius + Xtext = <3 More about the conference:
Tagged in: eclipse events obeo

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The third edition of the Eclipse Day Florence will take place on May 23rd. It is the place to be to meet the Eclipse italian community. Mélanie Bats will represent Obeo with 2 talks including one with the famous Arduino cat. The first talk will be about Sirius, with introduction of the concepts, and then a live coding session to demonstrate how to create your first designer with a few clicks. Sirius: build diagram, table and tree editors in 20 minutes! For the second talk, Mélanie will be accompanied by her Arduino cat based on Sirius. She will present how theses technologies could be used to create a programming learning platform for kids. Turning Eclipse into an Arduino programming platform for kids More about the conference: Eclipse Day Florence 2014 web site....
Tagged in: eclipse events obeo

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Back to San Francisco, EclipseCon North America 2014 will start next Monday a four-day conference dedicated to Eclipse. Again this year, Obeo will be highly visible with 11 sessions in the program. Sirius, our new project for graphical modeling, will be particularly honored with 4 talks, 1 workshop and 1 poster session to meet our experts. No less than 6 members of the team will travel to California to help deliver these sessions: 1 workshop BOF - Let’s get Sirius - Etienne Juliot, Cédric Brun, Goulwen Le Fur and Mélanie Bats | Wednesday | 18:00 1 poster session Poster - The Sirius Project - Etienne Juliot, Goulwen Le Fur | Thursday | 10:00 9 talks Living documentation - Mélanie Bats | Tuesday | 10:30 Hitchhiker guide to Eclipse presentation frameworks galaxy - Goulwen Le Fur | Tuesday | 11:15 Sirius role-playing game: build diagram, table and tree editors in 20 minutes! - Cédric Brun, Stéphane Bonnet (Thales) | Tuesday | 15:00 ECoreTools 2.0: the Luna revival - Cédric Bru...
Tagged in: eclipse news obeo