Sirius 4.0 Gotta Catch ‘Em All: Border song

Posted on in Blog

If you enjoyed our previous post on Eclipse Sirius 4.0 new features, read on to hear the Sirius border song.

Customizable border style

The border style of your diagram elements can have a semantic meaning defined by your graphical notation: you may want to express a different information whether the border shape is dashed or plain. Here and now, with Sirius 3.1, it is possible to define such styles for both the nodes and the containers (like it was already possible for edges).

Preferred side for border nodes


By default, border nodes can be located on any side of its parent. It is now possible to restrict border nodes to specific sides only. Thus the end user will not have the possibility to create or to move a border node on a forbidden side. Authorized sides can be specified in the advanced tab of the border node style.

To catch all the new features coming with Sirius 4.0 have a look at the slides of our talk at EclipseCon France! Another chance for you to join the Sirius community, SiriusCon will occur in Paris the 15th November 2016. Be sure to save the date!

Auteur d'origine: Melanie Bats
Tagged in: obeodesigner