Preparing EclipseCon US 2012

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We are pretty active in Eclipse:

building the technology to generate code or text from modelslowering the "system" versus "doc" barrierproviding a cool UI generation technology to pimp your editorsenabling model to model transformationsbuilding the Modeling packageenabling team work on models using your favorite SCM making sure graphical Ecore modeling is still a reality (HELP WELCOME)mentoring new projectsreporting and fixing bugs on several other projects.organizing or sponsoring Eclipse related events
I'd love to show all these things during EclipseCon, especially considering things are happening for  every single project listed here(*). There is just not enough time and many other interesting things to cover in such a short event but feel free to come and talk to us during the conference. On the other hand we are giving several talks worth mentionning :

You did not knew Acceleo was an implementation of an OMG standard ?  Stéphane will present it during the Eclipse/OMG Workshop on Sunday.
Meet Stéphane on Sunday, 15:55 – 16:20

Eclipse is a best platform to build tools. Eclipse Modeling makes things even easier, but why would you need tools ? Aren't they available already  ? Well, generic tools suitable for any use case are hard to make,  you might want to use a given technology and not having any tool.  Good news is Eclipse Modeling enables you to build a dedicated tool in no time. We'll start the EclipseCon conference with a tutorial so that you learn how, leading you through an example tool to build a web app powered by  localstorage, Backbone.js and, JQuery.
We're preparing the tutorial content in a way that you should be able to replay or present it when you'r back home. All the steps are  documented through eclipse cheatsheets and you'll get an all-in-one update-site.

Meet Stéphane and me on Monday, 13:00 – 16:00 in Lake Anne B 

If you're interested in industrial collaboration to provide long term and very long term support for Eclipse technologies, the Polarsys talk on Tuesday is for you.

Meet Gael on Tuesday, 17:00 – 17:50 in Reston Suites B

If you're more interested in technologies, modularity and dynamicity, Mikael is sharing an experiment on bringing EMF in a multi-tenant and dynamic world while trying to reduce API breakages to a minimum.
3MF : EMF To the infinity ... and beyond !

Meet Mikael on Tuesday, 17:00 – 17:50 in Lake Thoreau

If you're into Agile and ALM and don't want to give-up on design documentation, Alex will present the Mylyn Intent project :

Meet Alex on Wednesday, 10:30 – 11:15 in Regency Ballroom A

In a nutshell, it's gonna be legendary :)

(*) I guess I'll should also blog more to share what's happening.

Auteur d'origine: Cédric Brun