Open World Forum Demo cup award 2010

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The Open World Forum took place in Paris on September 30 and October 1. This was a great opportunity to discover open source tools and technologies, as well as getting to know great people of this field. The 2010 edition has attracted over 1500 participants from 40 countries!

Obeo was present and demonstrated the use of Acceleo 3 to generate android applications, this demo earned us the Demo Cup 2010 award! This award is given to recognize the most innovative and game-changer open source solution in its marketplace.

Acceleo, selected from 13 top nominees, received one of five prestigious trophies at the closing ceremony of the Open World Forum, awarded by a jury consisting of leading international experts in the open source world.

After the Eclipse Community Award in 2009, this prize recognizes the constant efforts of the Acceleo team & community to provide a powerful tool of the highest quality.

Auteur d'origine: Laurent