Moving on…

Posted on in Blog

Today is my last day at Petals Link.
This journey started almost six years ago with my partner Bertrand Escudié and has been the most intense period of my career so far.
Looking back on this period I have to humbly admit I am very proud of what we achieved in several ways – our technical achievements in SOA, our R&D achievements in European and French research projects, our entrepreneurial success but also our impact and influence on the adoption of open source solutions by industry leading companies across Europe and beyond.
This journey was not something we did alone – I would like to thank the team at Petals Link, all of our partners, and especially the OW2 community who helped us achieve this success.
As for my next move… I’m joining Obeo, the Model Driven Company and leading contributor of Eclipse modeling projects like Acceleo. In my new role at Obeo I’ll be focusing on the tooling for development of embedded/critical systems modeling platforms.
I am very excited about this new adventure that builds upon the experiences I’ve had working with Petals Link and the open source community. If you’re attending OWF later this month, lets meet up! I’ll be delighted to share my enthusiasm for Obeo’s market opportunity and product strategy.

Auteur d'origine: gblondelle