JavaEE Productivity Tour - Great meeting !

Posted on in Blog
Thuesday took place in Nantes (La Beaujoire) the JavaEE Productivity tour. It was a presentation of three companies Obeo, ProxiAD and SpringSource dealing with their feedback on productivity in the JavaEE world.

First, Arnaud Buisine, from ProxiAD, presented the current state of his company about project industrialisation. His presentation deals with many topic like :
The choice of frameworksThe choice of code generationThe quality processThe developper post : settings and building...Then comes Julien Dubois from SpringSource. His part dealt with the productivity in the framework point of view. He talk about :
Spring what it does and what it will do !GroovyGrailsFinally, Etienne from Obeo, shows our tooling dedicated to JavaEE productivity. It was the moment to talk about :
Acceleo and Acceleo ProObeo designerAnd Obeo Network
After this 3h30 of presentation, It was the time to lunch and discuss about this topic. Interesting topics make interesting audience and interesting audience implies exciting discuss.

The JavaEE productivity tour will take place in another site soon and I hope It will come back next year in Nantes for new exchange on our wild JavaEE world :)
Auteur d'origine: Goulwen