It will not just be another edition of EclipseCon Europe

Obeo provides open software solutions to address the needs for designing industrial solutions (avionics, space, defense, energy, transportation, etc.), complex softwares, as well as managing the digital transformation of organizations. Strategic member of the Eclipse foundation, Obeo develops technologies such as Eclipse Sirius (graphic modeling) or Acceleo (code generation), and is a member the Capella Industry Consortium (model-based systems engineering). Obeo’s solutions combine the openness of Open Source and the reliability of a software provider.
Well that's for the formal description. But for those who know us, you are aware of our deep investment in the Open Source and the Eclipse communities. It's not just about business model, it's also related to our vision, our values and our convictions.
And this year we are half excited half scared just as you are at the first day at school. EclipseCon Europe 2019 will not only be about innovations, friends, and (of course) beers. For us, it will also be the start of a new chapter in our history. Indeed we will show a first demo of the future Obeo Cloud Platform aka Sirius that will be deployed soon on the cloud!
The less we can say is that next week is gonna be an intensive and excited one for Etienne Juliot, Cedric Brun, and Mélanie Bats who will be at the conference. We highly recommend to attend their talks so that you will learn much more about what we do and plan to do about graphical modeling and model-based systems engineering. Enjoy also our hands-on on Tuesday morning. Best way to start the event!
Stop by our booth to enjoy a demo of Sirius, Capella MBSE Tool, Obeo SmartEA or just to discuss!
See you there!