How to follow Obeo at EclipseOn 2011?

Posted on in Blog
EclipseCon 2011 starts in less than one week from now.

This year, Obeo will be well represented with five of us going to Santa-Clara:
- Etienne Juliot, Vice-president and co-founder of Obeo, member of the Eclipse Foundation Board
- Cédric Brun, CTO of Obeo, member of the Architecture and Planning council, leading several Eclipse/Modeling projects
- Mariot Chauvin, committer on Acceleo, GMF and SWTBot
- Mikaël Barbero, EMFPath project leader
- and me ;-)

The program will be very intensive for us, with seven talks to give:
What every Eclipse Developer should know about EMF
EMFPath: how to use Guava (superset of Google Collections) to efficiently browse EMF models 5M lines of code to migrate True story of a successful business model based on Eclipse Mylyn meets Intent : Documentation made fun and useful Spy On Your Models Stop the Architecture Erosion of Eclipse And Open Source Projects
We are also in competion with five Eclipse Community Awards finalists:
Laurent Goubet (Acceleo committer) for Top Committer Cedric Brun for Top Newcomer Evangelist Modeling Amalgamation (lead by Cédric) for Most Open ProjectEEF (lead by Goulwen Le Fur) for Most Innovative New Feature or Eclipse ProjectObeoDesigner for Best Modeling Tool
However, we don't forget the most important thing at EclipseCon: sharing ideas (and beers) with other Eclipse fans!

Auteur d'origine: Fred