Guava releases as OSGi bundles (with update site)

Posted on in Blog
Last week I created a new project on Eclipse Labs named guava-bundle that provides OSGi bundles of Guava releases along with a P2 update site.

The update site provides SDK (with sources and Javadoc) and Runtime (binary only) features for the following releases:
Guava follows a simple incremental numbering scheme for its releases versionning. As OSGi needs a finest level of details for versionning, guava-bundle mapped this scheme as follow:

A Guava release rX where X is the integral version number of the release will be available in guava-bundle 1.X.0.

For instance, the r05 release is available in the bundle with version number 1.5.0.

All OSGi metadata are synchronized with this version number mapping:
Bundles (aka plugins) versions,Exported packages versions,Features versions

Have fun!

Note: there is a similar project named guava-osgi but it only has the r03 release. I suggested to merge the two projects but I did not had an answer yet.
Auteur d'origine: Mika