Eclipse Wordlcup : Bye Bye France, Hello source code !

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Very sad day for french people, French team is probably out of the competition, thanks to Nicolas, Sidney and ... of course Raymond. Anyway, Here is the current rating in the Eclipse community :

Came from the end of ranking ldelaigue lead now the game. lredor is second, arichard third and Jens fourth. Finally fmaillet is always in top 5.

Sorry for Jonathan and Cédric who are now ranked 8th and 10th of the game. More information on : Forecast ranking.

I've just added the source code of the Eclipse Worldcup Forecast application on the Eclipse CVS. You can find it in the test directory of the eef project. Here is a PSF file.

Feel free to create you're own extension for the Eclipse WorldcupForecast Application ;)
Auteur d'origine: Goulwen