Eclipse Acceleo Day - Acceleo by the team ...

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After a quick meal at the restaurant of the university and many discuss about Acceleo, it was time to start the second set of talks for this Acceleo Day.

The presentations in the afternoon were mostly dedicated to describe the work of the Acceleo team. However, the first talk was a feed back of Cedric Vidal from ProxiAD that showed how he coupled Acceleo and development of dedicated tooling to really improve the JEE development and in the same time keep simplicity in the generation modules. The simplicity of the module was garantee by adding the good part of data in the model. In the same time, the editing tools for the model muse be appropriated to keep the model creation easy for the users.

After the presentation of Cedric came François Gaudin from Makina Corpus which introduce the work he make for WISSS, the module that he lead in the Acceleo Module Farm. His talk describe the need and the goal of its module and he gave his point of view on the distribution of the informations between the generation module and the models.

This presentations finished, we made the second coffee break of the day.

The last part of the day was dedicated to the new version of Acceleo that we call Eclipse Acceleo. This version is the future of Acceleo so we had to introduce it during this day.
First, Cédric Brun (from Obeo) came to present the Eclipse Acceleo project, the history, the need and the goals. A description of the MTL standard and a point on the status of the project currently was made during this talk.

The last talk of the day was mine about the use of Eclipse Acceleo for the EEF project. But this, is another story that I will tell you in another post.

After my talk, Etienne gathered the people that made a presentation plus some people of the Acceleo Team. We made a general discussion about Acceleo and try to reply to question that are ofter made to the Acceleo team.

This discussion finished the First Eclipse Acceleo Day. This day was very interesting and exciting, the feedback of the community was very awesome and will hope that this event can be make the next year.

Thanks to all for this day, especially the main organizer of this event Freddy ...

Auteur d'origine: Goulwen