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Mitgliedsunternehmen der weltweit größten Gruppe für Open-Source- Software GTLL stellen sich auf der Berliner Messe vor Derzeit legt die dem ITK-Cluster Systematic angeschlossene Gruppe GTLL den Schwerpunkt ihrer F&E-Tätigkeiten auf die Herausforderungen von Open-Source-Software sowie auf Software-Qualität und Datenflut. Seit ihrer Gründung vor fünf Jahren haben die rund hundert Mitglieder 34 F&E-Projekte mit einem Gesamtaufwand in Höhe von 140 Millionen Euro durchgeführt. Im Rahmen des Open IT Summit stellen GTLL-Mitgliedsunternehmen nun ihre Aktivitäten vor.
5 talks I won't miss (among others): Sirius By Example: Build Your Own Diagram, Table and Tree Editors in 20 Minutes Although there has been a (deserved) big trend on Textual DSL for the last few years, Graphical Languages are still widely used and a lot of new use-cases are invented every week. Current status of diagramming at Eclipse relies on efficient but old projects that are often seen with an entry-barrier too high according to adopters. I expect Sirius will have a lower entry barrier to develop tools for Graphical Languages.
EclipseCon 2013 was a great success with lots of announcements and exciting new projects. If you could not got there or you didn't success to fork yourself to see every talks, this webinar will help you to have an overview of the event and the upcoming technologies for Eclipse Kepler. As lots of materials on EclipseCon are already available in English and in a view to increase their visibility to the french community, this webinar will be in French.
Via Eclipse Live...