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The ATLflow project allows to graphically chain ATL transformations. The project has just been updated in order to be compatible with eclipse 3.4.Thanks to Urs Zeidler for this great tool !Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: William...

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A miss in the ATL syntax has just been corrected: the in keyword is now available for both input and output patterns. This enhancement will be available in ATL 3.1.It mainly allow to specify in which model you want to create elements, when the old semantics forbade the use of several output models conforming to the same metamodel declaration. The workaround wasn't very intuitive as it consists on declaring the same metamodel with different names...The use of this keyword is described at the end of this section.Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: William...

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We have a new strategy for ATL documentation: it was sometimes hard to find an up-to-date and complete version of ATL docs... Now all informations have been merged into the ATL wiki, on three main pages:- page will also be available offline, into the ATL doc plugin (available into ATL SDK builds), thanks to WikiText: this great tool provides a very stable way to convert wiki pages into html pages.So users (and contributors) are now allowed to modify, update ATL documentation: then relevant corrections will be simply applied on each new ATL build, using WikiText !Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: William...

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Now ATL presentations are available on slideshare. Below are the EclipseCon 2008 & 2009 tutorials: a short presentation of the ATL Industrialization project given during the mtATL2009 workshop: d'origineAuteur d'origine: William...

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I'm William Piers, an ATL commiter. I work for a french company, Obeo, which deals with all kinds of Model Driven Engineering problematics.I'm working on ATL Industrialization, which consists on improve ATL quality on several aspects: IDE, performances, features...This blog will be focused on ATL enhancements and intents to communicate about our plans for ATL.See you soon !Lien d'origineAuteur d'origine: William...