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Using EMF sometime lead to frustration : any relevant change into this core framework means breaking client code and this is a No No !EMF Core does not change.In a world of technologies coming and going, new infrastructures poping up here and there, new practices revolutionizing the way we build software ...EMF Core does not change.New adopters, from tool vendors, to service provider, industrials, consultants, students...But EMF core does not change.Not changing in IT means being dead, right ?  So is EMF dead ? EMF Core always has been about giving value and making sure it's long term. One could be worried : but nothing new happens ? I'm gonna miss the NoSQL / documentDB / graphDB revolution  ? I'm stuck with XML and POJO Java APIs from the previous decade ? My software will only be a single-user desktop application ? What about the cloud ?Stability, Predictability, Compatibility are the key words explaining the success of EMF : others can innovate on top of it, on ...

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Using EMF sometime lead to frustration : any relevant change into this core framework means breaking client code and this is a No No !EMF Core does not change.In a world of technologies coming and going, new infrastructures poping up here and there, new practices revolutionizing the way we build software ...EMF Core does not change.New adopters, from tool vendors, to service provider, industrials, consultants, students...But EMF core does not change.Not changing in IT means being dead, right ?  So is EMF dead ? EMF Core always has been about giving value and making sure it's long term. One could be worried : but nothing new happens ? I'm gonna miss the NoSQL / documentDB / graphDB revolution  ? I'm stuck with XML and POJO Java APIs from the previous decade ? My software will only be a single-user desktop application ? What about the cloud ?Stability, Predictability, Compatibility are the key words explaining the success of EMF : others can innovate on top of it, on ...

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Exactly one year ago, I published here the results of the measuring and enhancing of EMF Compare 1.3 scalability in which I detailed how we greatly improved the comparison times, and how we had observed that EMF Compare was a glutton in terms of memory usage. At the time, we did isolate a number of improvement axes... And they were part of what made us go forward to a new major version, EMF Compare 2.0.Now that 2.0 is out of the oven, and that we are rid of the 1.* stream limitations, it was time to move on to the next step and make sure we could scale to millions! We continued the work started last year as part of the modeling platform working group on the support for logical resources in EMF Compare.The main problem was that EMF Compare needed to load two (or three, for comparisons with VCSs) times the whole logical model to compare. For large models, that quickly reached up to huge amount of required heap space. The idea was to be able to determine beforehand which of the fragments ...

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In a previous post, I illustrated the Collaborative Modeling mode provided with Obeo Designer 6.It allows several users to simultaneously edit a model and its diagrams. Thanks to the fine-grained locking mechanism, only the concerned model elements are locked, and automaticaly released once the modifications are saved.Now, I will explain how to share a local modeling project on a server, in order to use this collaborative mode and to allow other users to collaborate with you on the same model.To share a model with several users, only three steps are needed with Obeo Designer.1) Start the serverThe shared model must be hosted on a CDO server which has to be installed and started.This can be done very easily with the sample CDO servers provided with Obeo Designer. These servers are available through Obeo Designer examples and can be launched with prebuilt Launch Configurations.This video illustrates how to proceed.Of course, for a large project, with important constraints, you will ...

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Once again, Obeo will hit the road with its hot new technologies and products in the bag.We will meet with our partners, customers and technical community through three main events.Obeo Designer Roadshow 2012After the success of 2011's edition, we will organize a new roadshow which will pass through 4 cities in France:Nantes (18/10)Toulouse (15/11)Paris (20/11)Grenoble (6/12)Each day is free and composed of two parts:The morning, we will present how custom graphical designers can help in managing complexity and how to create this kind of tools with Obeo Designer. Then, we will let our partners and customers to present case-studies where they have used Obeo Designer. For the first date, in Nantes, case-studies will be presented by MMA and Thales Services.The afternoon, is dedicated to a "hands-on" session. We encourage each participant to come with its own idea of a graphical designer. And, with the help of Obeo experts, we promise that everyone leave with a first version of a running d...