Acceleo 2.0 : free module for UML2 to Hibernate

Posted on in Blog

For Acceleo v2.0 and launching of Acceleo Modules Farm, Obeo will release with an OpenSource license one of its commercial modules : UML2Hibernate.

I have create this module. It uses UML 2.1 models (class diagram with < < stereotype > >) and generates :

- DAO layer
- Entity objects
- HBM mapping
- SQL tables (3NF)
- JUnit tests
- Hibernate v3 compatible Design Patterns

It manages lots of associations :
- inheritance
- 1-1
- 1-*
- *-*
- recursive associations
- unidirectionnal and bidirectionnal associations
- ...

It will be available before the end of may. I hope you will enjoy it, and you will contribue to improve its features.
Here is the link where this module will be available :
Auteur d'origine: Etienne Juliot