A talk by Obeo at NDIA's event

Obeo will be at 27th Annual Systems and Mission Engineering Conference
The NDIA Systems Engineering Division, along with the Test & Evaluation and Integrated Program Management Division, is hosting the 27th Annual Systems and Mission Engineering Conference. This event brings together defense experts from industry, government, and academia to explore ways to enhance defense acquisition and system performance. It will be held at the Hilton Norfolk The Main, Virginia, from October 28-31, 2024.
Stéphane Lacrampe will present a talk "Realizing the potential of SysML V2with SysON: the Fundamental Role of Open-Source for Enabling the DigitalEngineering Transformation".
- When? Wednesday, October 30th | 1:30PM - 2:00PM
Don't miss it!
For further informations, follow the link!